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Reizen Navigatie
Developer: André Lissner

Explore your city or travel around the world with! Locate your position or search for an address and navigate by googlemaps or Openstreetmap to your destination. You have access to photos from geolocation-oriented photo sharing database Panoramio, to georeferenced Wikipedia articles and to weather forecast from

Following helpful map types are waiting for you:
1. Highly detailed city map with more details than google maps
2. Road map with traffic informations (to avoid to get into a traffic jam)
3. Public transport map with train, bus and subway routes (find the station near to you)
4. Cycling map with bike routes with contour lines (good for your next cycling trip)
5. Walking map with trails (for your next tour)
6. Satellite view from google maps

Combine maps with these awesome features:
- Photos from worldwide photo sharing database Panoramio (100 million photos)
- Weather map with current weather data and weather forecast (
- Wikipedia articles in english (read wikipedia entries about selected city, sights and other places of interest)
- Recognition of your location via GPS or IP-address
- Search by address (city, street, No., ZIP code)

Based on googlemaps and OpenStreetMap.